Llansannor & Llanharry C/W Primary School

December 2023

Dear all at home,

I hope this newsletter finds you well and in good spirits as we approach the festive season. As we reflect on the past half term, it is with great joy that I share with you the incredible achievements and moments of collaboration that have taken place within our school community.

Over the past few months, our students have truly lived our school vision of 'Together with God we will explore, discover, and flourish'. They have shown great enthusiasm and dedication towards their learning, and it has been a pleasure to witness their growth and progress.

One of the highlights of this half term was our Christmas productions and services, where our school community came together to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Our students showcased their talents and brought joy to all who attended. It was heartwarming to see the support and encouragement they received from their peers, teachers, and parents.

In addition to our Christmas celebrations, our students have also been busy completing various projects, consolidating their learning, and applying their skills. Whether it was through science experiments, creative writing, or mathematical problem-solving, our students have shown great determination and resilience. I am incredibly proud of their achievements and the effort they have put into their work.

As we enter the Christmas break, I would like to remind you of the importance of community and togetherness. If you wish to celebrate with the church, I encourage you to look out for services and activities that are happening in your local community. It is through these connections that we can further strengthen our bond as a school and as a community.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, parents, and guardians for their continued support and dedication. Your involvement in your child's education is invaluable, and we are grateful for the partnership we have formed. Together, we can create an environment where our students can thrive and reach their full potential.

Finally, I would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas break filled with joy, love, and laughter. May this time be spent with loved ones, creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime. Take this opportunity to rest, rejuvenate, and prepare for the exciting adventures that await us in the new year.

Don't forget to follow our adventures on twitter @LlansannorPS

Love and Prayers,

Mrs Davies

Dewch i Weld

Thank you to all the parents who attended our "dewch i weld" sharing sessions! We hope you had a wonderful time seeing the progress your child has made and enjoyed the valuable moments spent with them. It's always heartwarming to witness the joy of learning together. We will continue to celebrate the growth and achievements of our amazing students!

Diolch yn fawr!

Progression Step 1

.As we approach the end of the year, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the Fantastic Autumn Term we've had in Progression Step 1. It has been filled with growth, learning, and lots of smiles!

One of the highlights of this term was the special Godly play sessions led by Reverend Angela. The children had a wonderful time exploring stories from the Bible and engaging in meaningful discussions. We appreciate Rev Angela for enriching their spiritual journey.

Another exciting event that took place was the Elf show. It was delightful to see their imaginations at work and witness the joy it brought to their faces.

We are delighted to share that our sharing sessions were very successful. The children confidently presented their favourite pieces of work and shared their learning so wonderfully. It was heart warming to witness their growth in communication skills and self-confidence. Thank you for your support in attending these sessions.

Our incredible Christmas concerts were a true testament to the hard work and dedication of our children. They sang, danced, and acted with such enthusiasm, filling the school with festive joy. We are incredibly proud of their performances and their commitment to making it a memorable experience for all.

Looking ahead, we are eagerly anticipating the arrival of new Nursery starters in January. We can't wait to see their smiling faces as they embark on their educational journey with us.

Progression Step 2


Winter/Gaeaf Gwych

We have been learning about the arctic and Antarctic.

We’ve learned about animals that live in Arctic/Antarctic such as Orcas, Reindeers, Arctic Foxes, Polar bears and Penguins.

We have been doing explore tasks like we have researched about David Attenborough. Our literacy learning has included writing Winter poems.

Orchestras came into visit and one person played a star wars theme song.

We had a Christmas concert and it was called baubles Seb was a narrator carter was joseph Xavier was Mr. Potts. Year1,2,3 did it all together.

It has been a great term!

By Seb, Carter and Xavier

Miss Fisher, Miss Clare and Mrs Bourne

The PS2 Team

Progression Step 3

This half term PS3 have been having fun whilst continuing our learning about World War 2. During this time we have learnt about the Blitz, rationing, D-day and how the war ended. We have enjoyed making wartime biscuits - they were delicious. We also compared elements of WW1 during Remembrance week. Year 6 took part in a Christian Aid project focussing on climate justice. We discussed factors that contribute to climate change and how we could support climate justice in our world. Our artwork was displayed in Llandaff Cathedral and two pieces (Cleo and Ayla and Alfie J and Charlie P) were displayed in parliament. Noah and Talia represented Llansannor, Llandaff Diocese and Wales by attending an event at Westminster where they had the role of tour guides for the day.

We have all enjoyed the Christmas festivities and delivered a service at Holy Cross church to our families. We enjoyed our messy Christmas Day and our Christingle service. We have also had fun learning how to hula hoop with Mrs Weightman on our ‘Elf and well-being’ day.

We are now all tired and looking forward to a Christmas break. Can’t wait to find out what our next topic teaches us… the topic will be Lights, Camera, Action!

Nadolig Llawen everyone.

Year 6 pupils

Westminster Climate Change Champions

We are thrilled to announce that two of our incredible Year 6 students, Noah and Talia, had the honor of representing the entire Llandaff diocese at Westmisister. They showcased their exceptional work on climate change, highlighting the importance of environmental awareness and action. Their dedication and passion truly embody the values we strive for at our school.

Well done to all of year 6, including the staff, who completed the work that was showcased at Llandaff Cathedral. We are incredibly proud of all our pupils. A special mention to Charlie P, Harri, Cleo and Ayla who's work was chosen to be showcased at Westminister.

Da iawn ti!

Our School as a Church

I would like to take a moment to celebrate our school as a church and reflect on the wonderful events that have taken place recently.

First and foremost, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Reverend Angela and Miss Fisher for their exceptional effort in organising and facilitating our Messy Church. It was a joyous occasion where families came together to explore their faith through various creative activities. The children had a fantastic time, and it was heartwarming to see the sense of community that was fostered during the event. We are truly grateful for their dedication and support.

In addition to Messy Church, we were also fortunate to have Reverend Angela lead weekly assemblies, focusing on our cherished values. These assemblies have been a source of inspiration for our students, helping them to understand the importance of kindness, respect, and empathy. We are incredibly grateful to Reverend Angela for her time and commitment in nurturing our children\'s spiritual growth.

Our Christingle service, led by our dedicated worship leaders, was a beautiful moment of reflection and gratitude. It was heartening to see our students actively engage in this meaningful ceremony, symbolizing the light and love of Christ. We extend our sincerest thanks to the worship leaders for their guidance and to all the parents who attended and supported this special event. Da iawn ti!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for your continued support in upholding our Christian ethos. Your involvement in these events and your encouragement of our children's spiritual development is truly invaluable. Together, we are creating a nurturing environment that allows our students to grow both academically and spiritually.

May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace and happiness. Thank you once again for being a part of our school community.

Year 4 residential

It is with great pleasure that I write to you today to celebrate the incredible experiences our Year 4 pupils had during their recent residential trip.

Our students truly embraced the new challenges presented to them and displayed excellent behaviour throughout their time away. They represented our school with pride, demonstrating the values and principles that we strive to instill in each and every one of our pupils.

One of the highlights of the trip was the friendships that were developed with pupils from Llangan Primary. Our children had the opportunity to interact, collaborate, and learn from their peers, fostering a sense of camaraderie and understanding between the two schools. It was heartwarming to witness the bonds that were formed in such a short period of time.

The activities and adventures our pupils experienced were truly remarkable. From team-building exercises to outdoor exploration, they were able to challenge themselves and push their limits in a safe and supportive environment. The memories made during this trip will undoubtedly stay with them for years to come.

As we look ahead to the new year, we look forward Year 5 and 6 who will also have the opportunity to embark on their own residential trip. We believe that these experiences outside of the classroom are invaluable in shaping our students into well-rounded individuals, fostering independence, resilience, and a sense of adventure.

I would like to extend my gratitude to the teachers and staff who accompanied our pupils on this trip, ensuring their safety and wellbeing throughout. Their dedication and commitment to our students is truly commendable.

Children in Need

We are absolutely delighted to share that our school community has come together and raised an incredible £334.50 for Children in Need!

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who contributed and showed your support. Your generosity and kindness have truly made a difference in the lives of those in need.

Our students, staff, and parents have once again demonstrated the incredible power of unity and compassion.

We are immensely proud of our school community for rallying together and making such a positive impact. Let's continue to spread kindness and support those who need it most.

Friends of Llansannor


A big thank you to those who donated prizes to our raffle which raised a tremendous £800! A big thank you to those who bought tickets and well done o those who won a prize!

Prizes included:

Elinor Snowsill – Welsh rugby training kit

£50 Miskin Arms lunch voucher

Angela Fish – Welsh author – book

Catrin Finch signed cd

Fudge Pots – 6 bags of fudge

Love Hill Top Honey – hamper

South Wales Aviation Museum one day pass

Lucy Owen – signed books x 4

Gel manicure voucher

Mountain View Ranch – family voucher for 2024

Mike Doyle – 2 tickets for his show at New Theatre Cardiff in March

£100 cash prize (donated by Laser Travel)

Chippy meal voucher – Leyshons Brynna or Pencoed

2 bottles of wine from White Lion Ystradowen

Stereophonics signed and framed artcard.

Jodie Marie CD

HD Brow or HD BrowSculpt at Brows the Boutique, Barry.

Desert from Scoops at Bryncae

Subway meal from Bryncae Subway

Fish and chips from Bryncae Fish Bar

Wine, Vodka and fudge

Thank you to the Friends of Llansannor who have worked so hard to raise precious funds for our pupils

We collected a further £389 on ticket sales and donations for our Christmas Concert.

Thank you so much!

Dates for your diary

Don't forget you can use your new school app where all the dates for the next term are displayed. You can also find them on the school website.